Shulamit Elson’s
Private Sessions
Under the Auspices of TwoArrowsLLC
“For as the material of the carpenter is wood, of a statuary, bronze;
so of the art of living, the material is each person’s own life.”
~ Epictetus, 55 – 135 AD
“If the Mongols could convert to Buddhism then anything is possible.
~ Shulamit Elson
For those who seek personal guidance on specific issues, or those who wish to develop a spiritual practice for personal healing and inner transformation, the MediSounds and Sound Prayer processes bring a sense of clarity and purpose … a felt sense of connection, and a joyful life.
The MediSounds Process focuses on developing simple yet powerful skills that enable you to awaken to your authentic, innately joyous self.
- Practices that bring heaven to earth through the power of sacred sound and vocalized vibration.
There is great power in the human voice and the specific MediSounds vibrational tones, made with our own voices, connect us to a felt sense of a higher and sustaining reality, a reality of great beauty and calm.
- Self-Observation
Focused, disciplined, self-observation practices produce a clarity that dissolves self-defeating behaviors and allows compassion and inner wisdom to emerge. Our own everyday thoughts, speech, and action, observed without analysis and judgement, frees us from learned interpretation and instructs us as to our own resonant truth. Gradually we gain self-knowledge we clear our energies of self-limiting preoccupations.
Once we are freed from pursuing other peoples’ dreams and dispense with false smiles, we experience our authentic self, and live from a place of greater freedom and joy.
In-person sessions are available in Shulamit’s studio in High Falls, NY. Shulamit also meets with her students using video-conferencing, or by telephone.
• Individual sessions
• Creation of personalized MediSounds
• Ongoing long term relationships
Group Sessions are conducted under the auspices of the Great Octave Foundation.
Email directly to inquire about her offerings.
MediSounds Meditation workshops now available in the city of Bath in the UK taught by Shulamit’s student, Richard Royds.
Contact him at:
or via his mobile: 07975 860 96
“Working with Shulamit has allowed me to connect the dots in the physical and spiritual realms. Just noticing where I get stuck is an important practice and helpful. Her journey on my behalf connected me to the key components of my true self. Integrated, healthy, strong, surrounded by helpers, and full of compassion. I am here to live joyfully through my life’s purpose and am grateful for the time spent with Shulamit.” ~ PS, Ohio